25 Holiday Movies to Watch Throughout December
Long time no post, I know! With the wedding now being over, I finally the chance to return to both YouTube and blogging. To kick off the December posts, I’m sharing with you 25 holidays movies to watch until Christmas.
Engagement Shoot Tips + Outfit Ideas
TIME IS SERIOUSLY TICKING. There are exactly 52 days until my wedding. 52!!! This is the first time that I’m sharing the actual date online (November 19). ANYWAYS. Last weekend my fiancĂ© and I shot our engagement photos in Temecula, California.
Wedding Planning Update
Wow. You guys- I just realized I’m getting married in just two months. Holy cannoli. I’m so unbelievably excited and also just a tad bit (tbh more than a tad bit) frazzled haha. Everyone keeps asking, “How’s the wedding planning going?” both online and off, so I thought I’d do a quick lil’ blog post!
25 Questions
As my first official blog post, EVER, I wanted to do something fun, but also informative. A little get to know me, if you will. However, I didn’t want it to be essentially the same thing as my ‘About’ page, so here I am doing ’25 Questions’.